French OZCAR and German TERENO research networks Joint Conference


Advancing Critical Zone science

First OZCAR TERENO International Conference

Strasbourg, France

Dates : Tuesday Oct. 5 - Thursday Oct. 7 2021

The French OZCAR and German TERENO research networks have decided to co-organise an international meeting every two years that will be held alternatively in Germany and in France.

This meeting will follow two previous international meetings organised by TERENO network in 2014 (Bonn) and in 2018 (Berlin).

We are glad to invite you to participate in

The first OZCAR TERENO International Conference - Advancing Critical Zone science that will take place in Strasbourg from Tuesday Oct. 5, 2021 to Thursday Oct. 7, 2021.

To account for the pandemics, the conference is scheduled in the HYBRID format (both on site and virtual). It will be moved to fully virtual if the sanitary conditions are not satisfactory this autumn.

The conference will be physically held in Strasbourg, at Palais de la Musique et des Congrès, Strasbourg Événements, Place de Bordeaux.

The event will offer keynote lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions on scientific research on the Critical Zone, which is the most superficial layer of the planet where all human activities concentrate. The meeting will cover the cutting edge scientific progresses in a variety of  disciplines: hydrology, geophysics, soil sciences, geochemistry, ecology, socio-ecology

The meeting will also help a better integrated process understanding using multidisciplinary Critical Zone observatories highly instrumented field sites where these disciplines interact and produce data and models.

Practical organization (hybrid format)


Detailed program & Book of Abstrats

You can download the last version of the detailed program here.

The Book of Abstracts is available here.

Oral sessions: The  oral sessions will be broadcast live. Persons that will not be physically present will be able to present remotely.
For parallel sessions, each oral presentation will last 15 minutes (12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes for questions).
The template for oral presentation can be downloaded here.

Participants with an on-site presentation are asked to upload their presentation before the start of their session (they can also upload it in advance here).
Participants with a virtual presentation are asked to upload their presentation here before October 1, so that we can have a backup of their presentation.
We accept format in .pptx and .pdf
Please name your file following this format: Sxx.Oyy_Name-presenter.pdf/pptx where Sxx is the session number and Oyy is the number of the oral (see in the detailed program).

Poster sessions:A standard physical poster sessions will be organized for the participants that will be present physically. The dimension of the grid for the hanging of posters is 2 m height and 1.2 m width, allowing poster to be hung in portrait format.

Posters corresponding to the session of the day must be hung in the morning and taken down in the evening of the same day. They will be visible during the whole day of the session, with the presence of the authors close to their poster from 17:30 to 19:00.

Virtual posters can be prepared as standard poster with the same format as the on site poster but contributors are also free to prepare a standard powerpoint presentation, if they find it more convenient.

For the discussion of virtual and standard posters, living documents have been opened where participants will have the opportunity to put their comments and questions and where the authors will be able to answer them. Practical information to participate to the discussion has been sent to all registered participants.

All the persons presenting a poster (virtual and on-site) are asked to upload their poster here before October 1 to foster discussion and networking. We accept format in .pptx and .pdf
Please name your file following this format: Sxx.Pyy_Name-presenter.pdf/pptx where Sxx is the session number and Pyy is the number of the poster (see in the detailed program).

Important dates

  • Call for abstract submissions: 01.02.2021 - 15.06.2021 (until 23:59) 01.02.2021 - 31.05.2021
  • Notification of acceptance : 02.07.2021
  • Opening of registration: 07.07.2021 - 06.09.2021

                                                     Registration still open for virtual participation up to 15.09.2021 0

Field trip & Exhibition

04.10.2021 :
visit of Strengbach Watershed, OHGE (

For participants registered to the excursion, MEETING POINT at 08:30 AM in front of Palais des Congrès (see details here)

08.10.2021 : visit of "Critical Zones" exhibition, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany ( / (price : 20 €)

Gala dinner

06.10.2021 : 19:30 gala dinner at Kamerzell House ( / (price : 50 €)



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